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Associated Therapists

A Contribution to the Coming Generations 1


“As you sow, so shall you reap”

This is a call to all regression therapist tcolleagues to contribute to a deeper and better understanding of our relationship with the environment in terms of reincarnation. According to all the incoming scientific data, it is more than evident that human activities have a deep impact on Mother Earth. Homo Sapiens is pushing the planet to its limits. What we do today has a direct and probably irreversible effect on the fate of the planet. We are poisoning the habitat of the coming generations. However, what most of us have never thought about, is that it is we who will harvest the problems that we plant today. It will be us in different bodies, our future incarnations, who will reap the subsequent disasters in the future. Our descendants will be none other than us…

The most vital contribution we can maketo our fellow humans is to undertake the task of sharing our findings with them. Almost one hundred years after the publication in 1911 of the findings of Colonel Albert de Rochas’ , the “great grandfather” of regression therapy, we should come up with a compilation of our recent insights. We could even address this topic at the next World Congress by contributing and sharing our findings. Thus, we could clearly demonstrate to sceptical scientists that the cycles of life were always present and that our actions have always had an effect on us, our environment and our future. It is our duty to make our fellow humans realize that everything is interrelated and interconnected. Any action taken today has a direct impact on us, prior to affecting others around us, or in the future.

[1] In no way do I intend to plagiarize or even reach the impetus of Ian Stevenson’s monumental work Reincarnation and Biology, which may be considered to be the single most decisive contribution to the acceptance of the concept of reincarnation by future generations.

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